Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I have beef with January. 

First of all, let me vent on the "Name".  Why of all months to (lazily) name your child after, would you pick one that's UGLY? 

Facts about the month of January: 
  • It's in the dead of winter. 
  • It's the coldest month in the Northern half of the world. 
  • It's National Soup Month in the good ole' U.S. of A. 
  • Work/School start up after the Glorious Holiday Season. 
  • There is 11 more months until Christmas. 
  • One is usually destitute from said Holiday, (that's not just me, right?) Moving on... 

I find it terribly disconcerting that I happen to personally know of 3 separate people with the name January.  Guess what?  Only ONE of them was actually born in January.  Who in their right mind names their newborn baby, "January"?  What is the rationalization there?  "Oh, we took one look at her after she was born and decided she just looked like a January."  Wait, let me get this straight: Directly after birth, your kid looked homely and you wanted to curse her for the rest of her life because she looked like a white monkey?  Ouch. 

If you want to name your kid after the middle, nerdy sister in the Brady Bunch, just name her Jan already.  Don't add the "Uary."  It looks like "Urinary" and then you think of a tract infection.  And who has positive associations with a UTI?  Anyone? Bueller...Bueller...

I could actually go off on a tangent of other horrible names that people name their children, but I won't on this particular blog (you're welcome, "Apple's" & "Audio Science's" of the world).  Ugh...WOW, people bug sometimes.

Secondly, people go back to being rude and the decorations at stores and in homes come down.  It's rather depressing & a lot to take in at once (which is probably why I end up taking down my Christmas tree in February).  Why are people only nice and giving at Christmastime?  I get a lot better customer service and well wishes before Christmas than I do after.  Rather disappointing, seeing as I'm still spending money in their establishments.  Maybe I'll go on a shopping strike....BAHAHAHAHA.  Yeah, that'll happen.

And by the month os January let's face it: I'm Birthday-ed out.  In my (immediate) family we have 8 of 11 people's birthday's to celebrate from October 14th (your's truly's birthdate--go ahead mark your calendars, I'll wait....) to January 5th.  I am indeed including my sister in law, Jen & my homeboy/brotha from anotha motha, Jesus.  And let me just say, I'm plain tired of celebrating after His Birthday.  I find it a complete coincidence that I am blogging this on my Dad's 55th Birthday, (shout out to dad!)  My Severus Snape's birthday is this Sunday th 9th, so I've got to snap out of this funk and get with it.

To sum this post up: Happy Birthday to all of you peeps out there with a January Birthday!  And to everyone named January, your parent's didn't love you.